Gay Zhengzhou – gay bars, clubs, dating and cruising in Zhengzhou

Zhengzhou is where guys go to find many hunky gay men with many clubs and gay dating! The Shang Dynasty established Aodu or Bodu in Zhengzhou. Zhengzhou posesses an astonishing gay atmosphere with gay bars plus gay dance clubs!! In 1903 the Beijing–Hankou railway arrived at Zhengzhou, and also in 1909 the first stage of the Longhai Railway gave it an east–west link to Kaifeng and also Luoyang; it later was extended eastward to the coast at Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province, and also westward to Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, in addition to to western Shaanxi. Guys come to Zhengzhou to enjoy the great gay atmosphere plus hot guys. When the Communist government came to power in 1949, Zhengzhou was a commercial and also administrative center, however it had virtually no industry. Check out the catalog of guys and gay clubs in Zhengzhou…