Gay Wolfsburg – gay bars, clubs, dating and cruising in Wolfsburg

Wolfsburg is the hangout for lots of hot gay guys with many gay clubs and also gay cruising!! Wolfsburg was founded on 1 July 1938 as the Nazis’ Stadt des KdF-Wagens bei Fallersleben, a planned town around the village of Fallersleben in order to house the workers of the newly opened Volkswagen factories, which were built to assemble the Volkswagen Beetle “people’s car” and also remain there today, although Beetle production finished there in 1978. Wolfsburg posesses one of the best gay atmosphere with many gay saunas and also gay dance clubs!! During World War II, there were military cars, airplanes and also other military equipment built, mainly by forced workers and also POWs at these factories. Lads visit Wolfsburg for its very good gay environment, plus hunky lads. In 1945, the city was renamed Wolfsburg after the castle of the same name located in the city, which was founded about 1300 on the bank of the Aller river. Wait till you see the gallery of men and gay bars in Wolfsburg