Gay Wien – gay bars, clubs, dating and cruising in Wien

Wien is home to loads of fit gay guys with lots of bars and gay dating! Vienna lies in the east of Austria and also is said to be close to the borders of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and also Hungary. Wien posesses an astonishing gay scene with many gay pubs plus gay clubs. The city rates highly in popular opinion-based journalistic rankings from magazines such as Monocle, where it is said to be rated 8th among the Top 25 Livable Cities in 2010. Men visit Wien for its brilliant gay environment plus easy lads. The English name Vienna, the official German name Wien, and also the names of the city in most languages, are thought to be derived from the Celtic word windu, meaning bright or fair – as in the Irish fionn – however opinions vary on the precise origin. Wait till you see the library of men and gay bars in Wien…