Gay Toowoomba – gay bars, clubs, dating and cruising in Toowoomba

Toowoomba is where men go to find many hunky gay guys with lots of bars & gay saunas. A university and also cathedral city, Toowoomba hosts the Australian Carnival of Flowers each September, and also Easterfest is currently held annually over the Easter weekend. Toowoomba posesses a worthy gay atmosphere with many gay bars and also gay discos. Toowoomba’s colonial history traces back to 1816 when English botanist and also explorer Allan Cunningham arrived in Australia from Brazil and also in June 1827 discovered 4 million acres of rich farming and also grazing land, which became known as the Darling Downs, bordered on the east by the Great Dividing Range and also situated 100 miles west of the settlement of Moreton Bay. Men come to Toowoomba for its very good gay atmosphere plus hot guys. Towards the end of the 1840s Drayton had grown to the point where it had its own newspaper, general store, trading post and also the Royal Bull’s Head Inn, which was built by William Horton and also still stands today. Wait till you see the library of guys and gay bars in Toowoomba