Gay Tiruvannamalai – gay bars, clubs, dating and cruising in Tiruvannamalai

Tiruvannamalai contains lots of sexy gay guys plus lots of gay clubs and also gay dating!! Thiruvannamalai is said to be one of the Pancha Bootha Sthalangal representing the fire element along with Chidambaram, Sri Kalahasti, Thiruvanaikoil and also Kanchipuram representing sky, air, water and also earth respectively. Tiruvannamalai posesses a worthy gay scene with gay saunas plus gay dance clubs. Every full moon night, tens of thousands of pilgrims worship Shiva by circumambulating the Arunachala hill barefoot. Men come to Tiruvannamalai to take advantage of the very good gay environment and fit lads. Advaita Vedanta guru Ramana Maharshi lived in Thiruvannamalai for fifty 3 years until his death in 1950. Enjoy the library of guys and gay bars in Tiruvannamalai…