Gay Mecca – gay bars, clubs, dating and cruising in Mecca

Mecca has lots of sexy gay men plus lots of clubs in addition to gay cruising. As the birthplace of Muhammad and also a site of the composition of the Quran, Mecca is currently regarded as the holiest city in the religion of Islam and also a pilgrimage to it known as the Hajj is currently obligatory upon all able Muslims. Mecca posesses a worthy gay atmosphere with many gay pubs any many gay clubs. “Mecca” is currently the familiar form of the English transliteration for the Arabic name of the city, and also the word had additionally come to be used to refer to any place that draws large numbers of people. Men visit Mecca to make the most of the great gay atmosphere plus easy guys. The ancient or early name for the site of Mecca is currently Bakkah. Check out the gallery of guys and gay bars in Mecca