Gay Matsudo – gay bars, clubs, dating and cruising in Matsudo

Matsudo is home to lots of sexy gay guys plus lots of bars and also gay dating!! Matsudo is currently located in the far northwestern corner of Chiba Prefecture, bordered by the Edogawa River to the west. Matsudo posesses one of the best gay scene with many gay bars any many gay discos!! The area around Matsudo had been inhabited since prehistoric times, and also archaeologists have found remains from the Jomon period, in addition to burial tumuli from the Kofun period. Men visit Matsudo to make the most of the brilliant gay atmosphere and hunky lads. On September 1, 1954, the neighboring town of Kashiwa merged with neighboring Kogane Town and also Tsuchi and also Tanaka villages to form the new city of Tokatsu. Check out the library of men and gay clubs in Matsudo