Gay Kowloon – gay bars, clubs, dating and cruising in Kowloon

Kowloon is the hangout for many fit gay guys plus lots of gay bars in addition to gay dating! The systematic transcription Kau Lung or Kau-lung was often used in derived place names before World War II, for example Kau-lung Bay instead of Kowloon Bay. Kowloon posesses a worthy gay atmosphere with gay saunas and gay clubs. The name Kowloon stems from the nine dragons, a term which refers to eight mountains and also a Chinese emperor: Kowloon Peak, Tung Shan, Tate’s Cairn, Temple Hill, Unicorn Ridge, Lion Rock, Beacon Hill, Crow’s Nest and also Emperor Bing. Lads come to Kowloon to take advantage of the very good gay atmosphere and hot men. The part of Kowloon south of Boundary Street, together with Stonecutters Island, was ceded by Qing China to the United Kingdom under the Convention of Peking of 1860. Check out the library of men and gay clubs in Kowloon