Gay Himeji – gay bars, clubs, dating and cruising in Himeji

Himeji has lots of hunky gay lads in addition to many gay bars and gay dating. Himeji had been the center of Harima Province since Nara period. Himeji posesses a worthy gay scene with many gay saunas any many gay discos! Himeji was the capital of Himeji Prefecture since 1871, however the prefecture was merged into Hyogo Prefecture in 1876. Men come to Himeji because of the superb gay environment, and easy guys. On March 27, 2006 the town of Yasutomi, from Shisō District, the town of Kōdera, from Kanzaki District, and also the towns of Ieshima and also Yumesaki, from Shikama District, were merged into Himeji. Check out the catalog of guys and gay bars in Himeji