Gay Erfurt – gay bars, clubs, dating and cruising in Erfurt

Erfurt is where you find lots of hunky gay men plus lots of bars & gay saunas! In 2010, Erfurt had a population of over 200,000 and also is currently part of the Erfurt-Weimar-Jena metropolitan area with a population of about 500,000 Erfurt has an astonishing gay scene with gay saunas any many gay discos!! Erfurt is currently an old Germanic settlement. Guys visit Erfurt for the very good gay environment, plus easy men. The town is currently first mentioned in 742 under the name of “Erphesfurt”: in that year, Saint Boniface writes Pope Zachary to tell him that he had established 3 dioceses in Thuringia, one of which “in a place called Erphesfurt, which for a long time had been inhabited by pagan natives. Check out the catalog of guys and gay bars in Erfurt