Gay Bombay – gay bars, clubs, dating and cruising in Bombay

Bombay is where guys go to find loads of hot gay lads plus lots of gay clubs and also gay dating! The seven islands that came to constitute Mumbai were home to communities of fishing colonies. Bombay has one of the best gay atmosphere with gay bars and also gay discos! Mumbai is currently the commercial and also entertainment capital of India, it is currently one of the world’s top 10 centres of commerce in terms of global financial flow, generating 70% of maritime trade in India, and also 70% of capital transactions to India’s economy. Men visit Bombay for the brilliant gay atmosphere and easy guys. The name Mumbai is currently derived from Mumba or Maha-Amba—the name of the Koli goddess Mumbadevi—and Aai, “mother” in the language of Marathi. Enjoy the catalog of lads and gay bars in Bombay