Gay Bhopal – gay bars, clubs, dating and cruising in Bhopal

Bhopal is home to loads of hunky gay guys with lots of gay clubs & gay cruising. The city attracted international attention after the Bhopal disaster, when a Union Carbide India Limited pesticide manufacturing plant leaked a mixture of deadly gases including methyl isocyanate on the night of 2/3 December 1984, leading to one of the worst industrial disasters in history and also a loss of thousands of lives. Bhopal posesses a worthy gay atmosphere with gay pubs plus gay clubs! Lads visit Bhopal because of the superb gay environment plus sexy guys. Establishment :Bhopal is said to be said to have been founded by the Gujjar Parmar King Raaja Bhoj, who had his capital at Dhar. Check out the library of lads and gay clubs in Bhopal…