Gay Bacolod – gay bars, clubs, dating and cruising in Bacolod

Bacolod contains many fit gay guys with lots of clubs & gay dating!! Bacólod, is currently derived from bakólod, the Old Hiligaynon or Old Ilonggo word for a “hill, mound, rise, hillock, down, any small eminence or elevation”, since the resettlement was founded on a stony, hilly area, now the barangay of Granada. Bacolod has a gay scene with many gay pubs and also gay dance clubs. Historical church accounts provide a glimpse of the early years of Bacolod as a mere small settlement by the riverbank known as Magsung̃ay. Men come to Bacolod because of the great gay atmosphere and sexy men. Bacolod was not established as a town until 1755 or 1756, after the inhabitants of the coastal settlement of San Sebastián de Magsung̃ay, were attacked by forces under Datu Bantílan of Sulu on July 14, 1755 and also the villagers transferred from the coast to a hilly area called Bacólod. Check out the catalog of men and gay clubs in Bacolod